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Samsung Pyeongtaek P3 plant NAND Flash production line starts operation

09/08/2022 Samsung, Samsung P3 factory, Samsung NAND Flash production line, NAND Flash


(The picture comes from the Internet)

  According to South Korean media reports, on September 7, Samsung Electronics announced that the NAND Flash production line of its P3 factory in Pyeongtaek, South Korea has officially started operation.

  Samsung Electronics' P3 plant in Pyeongtaek Park is the largest semiconductor plant in the world. Construction began in 2020, covering an area of 700,000 square meters. It will become the world's largest fab area, 1.7 times that of Samsung's P2 fab. The production of state-of-the-art NAND flash memory has since begun.

  In the future, according to market demand, Samsung plans to expand and build various advanced production facilities such as DRAM based on EUV process and foundry process below 5nm in Pyeongtaek Line 3.

  In addition, in response to future semiconductor market demand, Samsung Electronics has also begun preparations for the start of the P4 factory. Although the start date and application products of the P4 plant in Pyeongtaek have not yet been determined, Samsung Electronics said that it is advancing groundwork so that it can quickly respond to changes in demand in the semiconductor market in the future.

  Statistics show that Samsung Electronics is the world's largest memory manufacturer. According to market research firm TrendForce, Samsung Electronics' NAND Flash revenue was US$5.98 billion in the second quarter of 2022, accounting for 33% of the market.

  Kye-hyeon, president of Samsung Electronics (head of DS division), said: "If memory semiconductor technology is one generation ahead of other competitors, we can reduce production costs by 10% and prices by 10%. This is what Samsung Electronics has been doing, and in the future This strategy will continue."

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