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Qualcomm plans to return to the server chip market, has approached Amazon?

08/19/2022 Qualcomm, Server Chip, Chip


(The picture comes from the Internet)

  Qualcomm is making another foray into the server processor market, reducing its reliance on smartphones, according to people familiar with Qualcomm's plans cited by Bloomberg.

  Qualcomm is looking for customers for products from chip startup Nuvia, which it acquired last year, while Inc., one of the biggest buyers of server chips, has agreed to consider Qualcomm products, according to people familiar with the matter.

  In 2021, Qualcomm spent $1.4 billion to acquire Nuvia, a start-up founded by former Apple employees, hoping to enter the smartphone, laptop and car processor markets to compete with peers such as Intel for chip market share.

  The report pointed out that Qualcomm has developed new products within Nuvia, and is actively looking for new customers for it, and has now approached AWS. However, both Qualcomm and Amazon have declined to comment on the matter.

  For Qualcomm's return to the server market, Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Mandeep Singh believes that Qualcomm's re-entry into the server market based on Arm designs will help improve its position in the semiconductor industry. Mandeep Singh further added that data center processors alone generate $28 billion in annual revenue.

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