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Continuing to catch up with TSMC, Samsung expanded its 4nm chip process in the fourth quarter

08/17/2022 TSMC, Samsung, Samsung 4nm chip, semiconductor foundry


(The picture comes from the Internet)

  According to Korean media reports, although the semiconductor wafer foundry industry has decreased in capacity utilization due to weakened market demand and caused a lot of noise, the supply of advanced manufacturing processes is still in short supply. The gap between foundry leader TSMC.

  South Korean media Infostock Daily reported that Samsung will expand its 4nm process in the fourth quarter, increasing its production capacity from 15,000 pieces per month to 20,000 pieces, with a total investment of about 5 trillion won.

  The report quoted officials familiar with Samsung affairs as saying that Samsung's 4nm yield rate is close to 60%, which can ensure customer inflow and increase profitability. Market sources pointed out that the expansion of Samsung's 4nm process represents Samsung's receipt of customer orders. In addition, Samsung's expansion of the 4-nanometer process, coupled with the advantage of being the world's first mass-produced 3-nanometer process, will also help narrow the gap with TSMC.

  However, Samsung said it could not confirm issues such as production and increasing capacity.

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