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2023? 2024? The mass production time of Samsung's second-generation 3-nanometer chips is a mystery

08/04/2022 samsung, samsung second generation 3nm chips, samsung 3nm chips, 3nm chips


(The picture comes from the Internet)

  Recently, with the official shipment of the first batch of 3-nanometer GAA process chips, the mass production schedule of Samsung's second-generation 3-nanometer chips has also attracted attention from the outside world.

  The latest news is that industry analyst Sravan Kundojjala said on Twitter recently that Samsung's second-generation 3-nanometer will be mass-produced in 2024, and has negotiated with a number of mobile customers for this, which means that Samsung's second-generation 3-nanometer chip may have been Catch the attention of cell phone makers.

  However, according to a previous report by South Korean media "BusinessKorea", Samsung plans to start production of second-generation 3-nanometer chips in 2023 and 2-nanometer chips in the following 2025. "BusinessKorea" believes that Samsung wants to stay ahead in terms of technical strength and catch up with TSMC as soon as possible, because TSMC plans to start manufacturing 3-nanometer chips using FinFET technology and 2-nanometer chips using GAA technology in 2025.

  According to the data, Samsung began to produce the first-generation 3-nanometer GAA process chips at the end of June this year, which will first be applied to semiconductor chips in the field of high-performance, low-power computing, and plans to expand it to the field of mobile processors.

  Compared with Samsung's 5nm process, Samsung's first-generation 3nm process can reduce power consumption by 45%, improve performance by 23%, and reduce chip area by 16%. Samsung previously stated that the future second-generation 3nm process will reduce power consumption by 50%, improve performance by 30%, and reduce chip area by 35%.

  Parts of materials of this site come from the internet, please contact if there is infringement

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