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Company News

Continue to develop baseband chips, Apple spends $445 million to buy HP campus

(The picture comes from the Internet)  Apple confirmed on Tuesday that it has spent $445 million to acquire the Hewlett Packard Enterprise campus in Rancho Bernardo, San Diego, California, according to industry media sources. The park covers a...

Apple semiconductor expert joins Samsung

(The picture comes from the Internet)  According to South Korean media "Business Korea", Samsung recently poached a semiconductor expert Kim Woo-pyeong from Apple to strengthen packaging technology.  According to the data, Kim Woo-pyeong gr...

Intel will manufacture chips for MediaTek

(The picture comes from the Internet)  According to "Knowing IN" news, on July 25, Intel and MediaTek announced the establishment of a strategic partnership. MediaTek will use Intel's process technology to produce a variety of chips for a ...

India to welcome a homegrown memory chip company

(The picture comes from the Internet)  According to the Economic Times of India, Sahasra Semiconductors has decided to set up a memory chip assembly and packaging and testing department in India, and plans to sell its own memory chips by December...

1.4 trillion yuan, Samsung will build 1,111 fabs in Texas within 20 years?

(The picture comes from the Internet)  According to Bloomberg, in a series of documents filed with the state of Texas, Samsung proposed that it is considering building 11 chip factories in Texas over the next 20 years, with a total investment of nea...

Samsung 3nm chip officially shipped

(The picture comes from the Internet)  According to Yonhap News Agency, Samsung's first batch of 3-nanometer chips has been produced, and a shipping ceremony was held at the Hwaseong Park factory in South Korea on the 25th. Samsung said it ...

Korean media said Samsung Electronics 3nm chips will be listed on July 25

(The picture comes from the Internet)  According to Korean media BK news, Samsung Electronics will hold a 3nm nano chip launch ceremony on July 25, and the products have significantly improved in power consumption, performance and area.  It is ...

Samsung: Has successfully developed the second generation SmartSSD

(The picture comes from the Internet)  Today (July 21), according to "Samsung Semiconductor and Display Official" news, Samsung Electronics announced that it has successfully developed its groundbreaking second-generation SmartSSD (smart soli...

Malaysia's investment boom, Infineon and Bosch reproduce new trends in production expansion

(The picture comes from the Internet)  Recently, major semiconductor manufacturers have once again favored Malaysia, where Infineon and Bosch have invested in expanding production.  In the early years, Penang, Malaysia has become one of the worl...

Google Cloud announced the adoption of Arm architecture processors, Intel and AMD are under pressure

(The picture comes from the Internet)  Alphabet's Google Cloud announced on July 13 that it will use computing chips based on Arm technology, which means that it will seize market share from Intel and AMD and become a new pressure.  Googl...
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