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Electronic Components News

$646 billion, the global semiconductor market may grow by 16.3% in 2022

(Pictures from the Internet)  Recently, the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics Society (WSTS), formed by major semiconductor manufacturers, released its semiconductor market forecast on its official website. Forecasts show that the global se...

Russia strikes back: restricting the export of another semiconductor raw material!

(Pictures from the Internet)  According to Reuters, on the 2nd local time, the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade said that Russia will limit the export of noble gases such as neon by the end of this year in response to the European Union’s...

To strengthen the competitiveness of the semiconductor industry, Japan finalizes a new version of the 'Manufacturing White Paper'

  On May 31, the Japanese government finalized the 2022 version of the "Manufacturing White Paper" at a cabinet meeting. The white paper pointed out that Japan's manufacturing industry has been severely affected by the global semiconductor shortage, ...

Moore's Law will continue, IMEC: The process design path from below 1nm to A2 has been formulated

(Pictures from the Internet)  According to a report by eeNews, Luc van den Hove, CEO of the Belgian Microelectronics Research Center (IMEC), said at the Futures conference a few days ago that he believes that Moore’s law will not end, b...

Korean media: Hanmi Semiconductor is expected to complete the development of wafer cutting equipment in the second half of this year

  According to Korean media IT News, HANMI Semiconductor is developing wafer cutting equipment monopolized by Japanese companies, which is expected to shorten the equipment delivery cycle and solve semiconductor supply problems.  According to ...

The gap of automotive-grade IGBTs has expanded, and international manufacturers have stopped accepting orders

  According to the Financial Associated Press, insiders from the ON Semiconductor Shenzhen factory, an automotive IDM manufacturer, pointed out that the order for automotive insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) is full and no more orders ...
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