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Electronic Components News

South Korea plans to train 150,000 semiconductor talents within 10 years

(The picture comes from the Internet)  According to foreign media reports, several departments of the South Korean government jointly released a plan on cultivating semiconductor talents on the 19th. The government will cultivate 150,000 semiconducto...

It is rumored that many chip giants have said: delay or reduce the plan to build a factory in the United States, why?

(The picture comes from the Internet)  The progress of the US$52 billion chip bill has stalled, and semiconductor manufacturers such as TSMC and Intel have said that they will have to delay or scale back their local investment and expansion plans...

Samsung, Intel, TSMC, which one is stronger in advanced packaging?

(The picture comes from the Internet)  Samsung officially announced mass production of 3-nanometer chips at the end of June, taking the lead in the competition with TSMC and Intel's advanced manufacturing process. Recently, the three manufact...

If the US chip bill is not passed, these expansion plans may fall through

(The picture comes from the Internet)  Recently, a number of chip giants have paid close attention to the progress of the US Chip Act subsidy.  According to foreign media sources, if the bill is still not passed later this year, a number of chip ...

The world's first? This foundry officially announced the production of 3-nanometer chips, and PanSemi Semiconductor/Qualcomm may be the first to launch

(The picture comes from the Internet)  Recently, the South Korean semiconductor manufacturer Samsung has taken the lead in the foundry leader TSMC, and the news of mass production of 3 nanometers has attracted great attention in the industry. Th...

China Taiwan's electricity prices rose 8.4%, wafer foundry costs may rise

(The picture comes from the Internet)  According to relevant media sources, the electricity price increase in Taiwan, China, with an average increase of 8.4%, will be implemented on July 1.  According to the news, the average price of high-voltage...

More than 30 12-inch chip fabs were added around the world, and the expansion of silicon wafer fabs started simultaneously

(The picture comes from the Internet)  On June 27, GlobalWafers announced that it will build a new 12-inch semiconductor wafer factory in Sherman, Texas.  According to the disclosure of GlobalWafers, the total investment of the 12-inch silicon...

It is rumored that the Korean government plans to spend 1 trillion won in the next 5 years to develop AI semiconductors

(The picture comes from the Internet)  Recently, the "Korea Central Daily" reported that the South Korean government plans to spend 1 trillion won in the development of AI semiconductors in the next five years.  The report pointed out that So...

Russia and Ukraine cut off the supply of key gases, SEMI: Alternative sources are hard to find, chips are missing for another 2 years

(The picture comes from the Internet)  The International Semiconductor Industry Association (SEMI) said on the 21st that as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to threaten the supply of raw materials such as key special gases for...

There is a 'manpower shortage' in the global semiconductor town, and the supply of such products is tight!

  According to Reuters, affected by the epidemic, the manpower gap in Malaysia's chip industry is as high as 15,000, and some chip manufacturers have to suspend new orders.  Malaysia is a global semiconductor center with many local semiconductor manufa...
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